

PHP was my first true web love.


JavaScript introduced me to front-end development.


Mostly used for scripting and playing.


Tricky yet fun stuff.


Database management is a necessity for web development.


Maintaining web servers has become a life skill.


Containerization is all dockerized.


Keeping my code safe for years.


I can manage AWS and GCP systems.


Still learning.

IT Data Technician

International School of Brussels

Brussels, Belgium

Feb 2018 -

Hired to assist a new and growing support team, I quickly made myself indespensible. Managing the monolithic PowerSchool platform was a job in itself. Work also included system administration for Linux servers, as well as JS development.

Web Manager (PHP Developer)


London, UK

Jun 2016 - Sep 2017

I was part of a core team of developers working for the advertising agency. Our main goal was to build internal tools to facilitate the purchasing and selling of adverts using disparate systems.

PHP Developer

Concert Live/LiveStyled

London, UK

Nov 2014 - May 2016

Initially hired to build a customer facing web shop, I went on to build the backend API system. The API system ended up powering not only the web shop, but was the core system for iOS and Android apps as well.

PHP Developer

Brighton, UK

Dec 2012 - Sep 2014

As part of a 5 person team, I took part in a major site redesign, and helped maintain and develop further features of the site/internal systems.

Junior IT Technician

Gap Daemon

London, UK

Feb 2011 - Jun 2012

As the junior IT technician at Gap Daemon, my main responsibility was looking after and monitoring weekly error reporting in the PHP/Zend website development. As the main source of contact between headquarters and the off-site developers, Ciklum based in the Ukraine, I worked with them daily and went on to spend 6 weeks cross-training with them in Dnipropetrovsk. Inevitably in a small team of 12 people, I also helped out with a lot of tech support around the office.